Today I am going to write about MALL.

First of all what is MALL?
MALL - mobile assisted language learning.

  • It allows you to study language across different contexts;
  • it delivers content into small devices;
  • it thinks not just about how the learner will study the material but who is he and who are the engaging with and with what contexts.
  •  the potential for learning process to be personalized, spontaneous, informal and ubiquitous.
Although learning through mobile phones may take longer time compared to computers, the learners feel freedom of time and place, so that they can  learn a second language when and where they are. 
In contrast to classroom learning, in MALL there is no need for the learners to sit in a classroom or at a computer to get learning materials. 
In fact, MALL can be an ideal solution to language learning of different places and time. 
In the futurehoweverwe can expect mobile devices to be of better quality. It is expected that designers will make MALL programs that will make students more focusedmedia more rich and learning strategies more flexible . Additionallychanges in the cost will make
 MALL  available to everybody.

Another modern thing for study is QR-code. I think that in our modern world everybody knows what is it because it is wildly used in everyday life: we can pay at shops and cafes using QR-code, but how can we use QR-code in education?

QR-code is wildly used at books for children to make the picture alive and even at school work books to make study process more interesting for learners. So, we can use QR-code as a supplement to books and texts.

It also helps at at the museums to find out information about historical things and events.

I think it would be also interesting if students would get their homework or some projects to do through QR-code. 

Also can learn a set of new words using code to see pictures and remember it better.
By the way, did you hear about quizlet? 

I think yes, because it is a very useful thing! When I had to learn words for some subjects or I had a test this application helped me to remember things faster. Another plus of such way of learning is that you create your own cards and save it. When you need to repeat some material just open the site. I made some  quiz for you but it is not something boring) There are 10 slang-terms-you-need-to-know-in-2019 I think it will be interesting to know them😉 So, try to understand the meaning of them.

I believe that MALL and QR-code have future and it is only beginning.Maybe in some years we won't imagine our lives without them.
